Creative Brief// Nike

I do not buy Nike shoes anymore, but I chose this creative brief because it looks visually appealing. The format is powerful because of its organization, simplicity, and readability. Also, the use of a sans serif font is easier on the eyes. Although, it would have been better if a thinner font was used or one that was not condensed. They used the font required for the campaign in this brief: Futura Condensed Medium or Futura Condensed Extra Bold. It is a nice font for the headers, but it is a bit straining to the reader’s eyes when used for the text.

The Facts

Instead of giving percentages of where the majority of their factories are, they should have shown them on a map. They also should have been more specific by providing exactly where those factories are in China, Vietnam, and the United States. Lastly, they should have included how many factories they have in total or at least the ones in those three countries. The numbers are not significant unless given visuals.

The Objective

The requirements to make the campaign are very specific. This would limit the creativity of the creative team. They might be able to create a better campaign using different softwares, colors, or fonts. Also, there are some spelling and grammar errors like “manufacting” and missing punctuation.

The Problem

The only issue that I noticed are more spelling and grammar errors like “contreversial”. The first sentence also seems to be a run-on sentence. Moreover, they did get to the point of the problem and even briefly explained the results of said problem.

The Big Picture

Again, there are several spelling and grammar errors, such as “emloyees” and “focussing”. It is interesting to know that Nike has a team that visits the factories and checks to see if they are following the policies.

The Target Audience

The target audience was explained in the first sentence of this section. I wish that they elaborated a bit more on why they chose people between the ages of 16 to 50.

At first look, this creative brief looks great, but clearly there are many errors in it. The person who created this should have definitely done a spell-check and maybe have someone else proofread it.

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